Happy New Year Guitarists! 🎸 Resolutions…. Yikes! I mean, I think the general population will roll their collective eyes .. I know I do. The fact remains, we make New Years Resolutions whether we admit it (publicly) or not right? Whether it’s a diet to take off some of that holiday weight or better Guitar Practice.. I mean myself personally.. I think I ate over 300 cookies bewteen Thanksgiving and Christmas! Who am I kidding? …
Guitar Practice – The Harmonic Minor Scale
I’ve been having a blast lately talking with so many guitarists about all of the things they practice and struggle with on a daily basis. When I built this website, I really wasn’t sure what it was I wanted to to do with it. I started with varying topics that inevitably would always come back around to guitar practice routines and practical, applicable music theory that seemed to be lacking in so many online lessons …
Guitar Practice – How To Create Your Own Chords
Creating Guitar Chords A few years back I had an adult student, far from a beginner mind you, but he was struggling with chords and some basic chord theory. He had this book called “10,000 chord shapes” (I swear that’s a real book!) and he was convinced that he had to learn all of those shapes to become the guitarist he wanted to be. Not only was the concept of a book containing 10,000 chord …
Guitar Practice – Melodic Minor Scale
Melodic Minor Scale & Harmony Oh scary isn’t it! The red-headed stepchild of minor scales.. unless you’re a Jazz or Classical player that is. If you’re a rock, metal, blues or country player you probably avoid this scale like the plague.. if you’ve ever even learned it at all. What is the big deal? Why is this scale so misunderstood (and avoided) outside of Jazz? I was warming up for my gig on a chilly …
Guitarist Bill Hall – Profile and Interview
The internet is a funny thing… there are times when I absolutely despise what social media has become and other times where I’m genuinely moved by reconnecting with an old friend or family member I haven’t seen in years. The latter happened recently when I was promoting my new book (The 7 Day Guitar Practice Routine) in some random guitar related Facebook groups. I came across a video of a guitarist just destroying a nylon …
The 2 String Guitar Workout
Every few months or so, I find myself in some type of a guitar playing slump, or rut or whatever you want to call it. If you’ve been playing guitar for longer than a few years, you probably know what I’m talking about right? Things I normally can play with ease become a little sloppy or my hands feel out of sync. After 30 years and thousands of gigs, it wears on you a bit. …
Guitar Practice Routines – An Interview with 5 Pro Guitarists
While on my ‘Virtual Book Tour’ promoting The 7 Day Practice Routine For Guitarists, it occurred to me to ’round-up’ some of my favorite players both Local and National to talk a bit about what they practice on a daily basis. As much as I love playing and teaching the guitar… I also really love talking and writing about it too. It was kinda funny though.. Getting REALLY good Guitarists and musicians to talk about …
Guitarists – Technical Work for the Long Run
Technical Work for the Long Term Technical Work. Yeah I know, who has the time right? Whether you’re a complete beginner or a seasoned pro, every musician can benefit from regular technical workouts. I have seen the results first hand both in my students and my own playing. Working on the technical aspects of your playing will make everything else you play feel easier in comparison. If you’re in a cover band and have a …
7 Day Guitar Practice Routine – Day 5 – Chords
View Post7 Day Guitar Practice Routine – Day 4 -Scales
Welcome to Day 4 of my 7 Day Practice Routine for Guitarists! Today we’re going to focus on something a little obvious. SCALES. Don’t click away just yet. I know it can be a daunting and often boring part of your guitar practice routine.. but seriously… Scales need some love too and they can be super fun. In case you missed the previous articles, you may want to check out: Day 1 – A 7 …