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Guitar Arpeggios – The 7 Day Practice Routine

In Arpeggios, Guitar Blog, Practice and Technique by Craig SmithLeave a Comment

Hey, it’s Arpeggio day! In this lesson we’re going to change it up by doing some Guitar Arpeggios and sequences for guitar. You can grab these guitar arpeggios in PDF, TAB, or download below. If you missed the first 2 installments of the guitar practice routine, you can find them here: 7 Day Guitar Practice Routine: Day 1 – Warmups7 Day Guitar Practice Routine: Day 2 – Modal Workout Guitar Arpeggios Table of Contents If …

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Arpeggio Patterns and Fretboard Diagrams for Guitar

In Arpeggios, Guitar Blog, Practice and Technique by Craig Smith

Table of Contents Introduction Often when I improvise using arpeggios on guitar, I like to add more scale tones to the typical triads or CAGED shape arpeggios in any given key. There a few reasons why you might want to add some extra notes to your arpeggios on the guitar: What is An Arpeggio? If you need a refresher lesson, I did one a while back on standard diatonic arpeggios for guitar you can check …

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Melodic Minor Scale and Modes for Guitar

In Arpeggios, Guitar Blog, Practice and Technique, Scales by Craig SmithLeave a Comment

Melodic Minor Scales for Guitar Oh scary isn’t it! The red-headed step-child of minor scales.. unless you’re a Jazz or Classical player that is. The Melodic Minor scale, also referred to as the Jazz Melodic minor scale. Let’s get our hands wrapped around some Melodic Minor Scale and modes for Guitar in this lesson. Updated for 2024, I’ve also included a 3 notes per string Melodic minor scale and modes PDF for guitar at the …

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Guitar Scale Practice On 2 Strings

In Arpeggios, Guitar Blog, Practice and Technique, Scales by Craig SmithLeave a Comment

Every few months or so, I find myself in some type of a guitar playing slump, or rut or whatever you want to call it. If you’ve been playing guitar for longer than a few years, you probably know what I’m talking about right? Things I normally can play with ease become a little sloppy or my hands feel out of sync.  After 30 years and thousands of gigs, it wears on you a bit. …