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5 Books Every Guitarist Should Own

In Guitar Blog, Music, Reviews and Gear by Craig SmithLeave a Comment

Guitar Books for 2024! I’ve updated one of my most popular articles to include new info and changes for the best guitar books for 2024. For many guitarists, books are still the best way to learn the instrument whether you prefer eBooks on your tablet or computer or; old-fashioned physical guitar books. In the age of Youtube videos and learning Apps on our devices, the online community has created a sort of overload of information …

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How To Make Your Independent Music Career A Success

In Music by Joe Weintraub

Having your own business in music is exciting. You can go into various fields to enjoy your passion, entertain, and teach guitar or music others. However, as it is quite a crowded industry, you might need help to turn your music business into a great success. But don’t worry, as this guide will help. Whether you are a music tutor teaching students to learn to play an instrument or a musician who tours around the country, …

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Three concepts to level up your guitar playing

In Guitar Blog, Music by Craig Smith

As guitarists, we are notorious for learning just enough to get by and calling it a day, trusting that a few minor pentatonic boxes will be enough to carry us through anything that comes our way! This is mainly because learning guitar music theory methodically can be difficult, the way the fretboard is laid out is unintuitive when compared to the piano which makes working through these lessons tedious for many players who early on …

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Can Your Child Benefit From Learning An Instrument? We Take A Look.

In Music by Craig Smith

When children come home from school enthusiastic about playing a guitar or other musical instruments, we all let out a collective moan. Very few of us look forward to the prospect of listening to a youngster practice a screechy violin or tunelessly practice the recorder; nevertheless, once they crack it, it may be thrilling to watch and hear what they have accomplished. There are also a number of benefits that are readily apparent for youngsters …

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7 Ways To Tap Into Your Creative Side

In Music by Joe Weintraub

Creativity is often thought of as a mysterious quality that only some people possess, especially when playing the guitar. But the truth is, we are all creative beings. It’s just a matter of tapping into that creativity and unleashing it into the world. Photo by Jacek Dylag on Unsplash There are many ways to tap into your creative musician side. Here are 7 of them: 1. Get inspired by nature One of the best ways to get your …

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Ultimate Hobbies For Music Lovers

In Music by Craig Smith

If you have always had a passion for music then there are many careers and hobbies you can get into. It isn’t just always about playing an instrument, there are plenty of other ideas out there. It is all about finding the right one for you and once you have that enjoyment then you will never want to let it go. Check out the list below for all your music-loving hobbies.  Learn an Instrument The …

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Rock ‘n’ Roll Star: How to Boost Your Confidence In Time For Your Next Gig

In Music by Craig Smith

Ask any musician and they will tell you they have experienced stage fright at some point in their career. It doesn’t matter who you are, whether you sell out arenas and stadiums worldwide or are coming up to your first ever gig in your local bar, it’s understandable to feel nervous. These nerves can get the better of you, causing you to make mistakes that do not represent your genuine talent. If you have a …

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How to Maximize Your Potential for Success as a Musician

In Music by Craig Smith

Are you interested in taking steps to maximise your potential in the music industry? This is a highly competitive sector and every year thousands of people try to find a footing selling their art. Here are some of the key possibilities that you should explore here that can help you get the results that you deserve.  Expand Your Reach First, you should think about expanding your reach as a musician. You need to consider how …

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How Your Child Can Benefit From Learning a Musical Instrument

In Music by Craig Smith

The kids coming out of school waving permission slips for a musical instrument makes us all moan. We do not love the prospect of listening to a child practice a high pitched violin or noisily rehearsing the recorder, but if they get the hang of it, the results can be amazing. Aside from the obvious advantages of learning a musical instrument, there are several other advantages to be gained. Apart from being a pleasurable hobby, …

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Tips For Becoming a Successful Music Photographer

In Interviews and Insights, Music by Joe Weintraub

Playing in a band isn’t the only way to make money if you’re passionate about music. There are all sorts of things you can do in and around the industry, so you’re still surrounded by music all of the time, even if you don’t play.  Being a music photographer is a great option if you are interested in photography. You get to go to loads of amazing gigs for free and you might even meet …