classical guitar book pdf

Classical Guitar Book PDF and Paperback

In Classical Guitar, Guitar Blog, Music, Practice and Technique, Reviews and Gear by Craig Smith

Classical Guitar – A Practical Guide is my best-selling, highly reviewed Classical Guitar Book PDF (also available in Paperback). The book was a total labor of love from the first word and note! If you’ve always wanted to learn Classical Guitar give this one a try. I’ve tried to keep my perspectives on the pieces and composer introductions fun and interesting compared to other classical guitar teachers and method books.

I hope this translates into a fun classical guitar method that you can add to your collection. Remember, no one method or book can teach everything related to classical guitar. I’d always encourage you to try some different authors and traditional methods as well.

classical guitar book pdf

Classical Guitar – A Practical Guide Vol. 1
Classical Guitar book PDF (also available in physical copy)

by Guitarist and Author – Craig W. Smith

An introduction to the history, techniques, and music of the classical guitar.
(129 pages TAB + Standard Notation)

The music of J.S. Bach, Fernando Sor, Ferdinand Carulli, Matteo Carcassi, Dionisio Aguado and more…

  • 25 Essential Classical Guitar Pieces with accompanying lessons.
  • A Daily Guitar Practice Routine for both hands.
  • Classical Guitar Primer for beginner to advanced guitarists.
  • Guiliani’s 120 Right Hand Studies complete.
  • Detailed analysis of classical guitar music including art, history, composer bios, and more.
  • Classical Guitar Book PDF includes mp3 Audio Files.
  • Guitar Pro 8 Files with audio.
  • Full color, high resolution .PDF compatible with any computer, smart phone or tablet.
  • Classical Guitar Book PDF or Physical copy also available.

ISBN: 978-1-7351548-0-0

I’m so proud of this book. I hope that you enjoy it as much as I have writing it!

Also available in Paperback from! Here are some pics of the first pressed copies:

Classical Guitar Book PDF or Paperback
classical guitar book pdf Bach

Classical Guitar a Practical Guide – About This Book

What I’ve tried to do with this book is simple; write the book that I wanted when I was starting out playing the classical guitar.

This not a graded book, however, the 25 pieces are in a deliberate order. Each piece should, for the most part, prepare the student for later pieces, and ideally other repertoire outside of this book.

I’ve included most of the heavyweights for you to sample including Sor, Carcassi, Aguado, Tarrega, Bach, Sagreras, and Carulli. In this author’s opinion, these are the founding fathers of guitar music and worthy of your time and study. I hope that I’ve taken great care to select pieces which I think are simply, beautiful.

classical guitar book pdf or paperback available

Also included are a few etudes of my own, including a tremolo piece and an arpeggio study. Adding my own compositions allowed me to fill in a few gaps covering certain techniques that I was unable to find in the classic works that exist in the repertoire.

History and Art are things I’m into, so I’ve also taken the liberty of adding some fun and informative info about the composers and music. I hope you’ll indulge me in this endeavor, as it was a ton of fun doing the research!

I encourage you to expand your study beyond this book. If J.S. Bach really inspires you, I hope that you will seek out more of his vast repertoire. Chances are, you’ll find some gems out there on the internet or in other publications.

25 Essential Classical Guitar Etudes

This book is split into four sections. The first section, ‘The Classical Guitar Primer’, was written specifically for beginning guitarists and even those advanced players who are new to classical guitar music, terminology, and techniques.

The second section is a detailed warm-up practice classical guitar routine that can be done daily.

The third section contains the 25 brief lessons and accompanying etudes. The 25 etudes include beginner, intermediate, and advanced pieces. I could probably find a myriad of various opinions that all of the pieces could be considered either beginner or advanced. I’ll leave that for you to decide.

Classical Guitar book pdf

In my own studies, I’ve found some beginner pieces difficult and some advanced pieces easier due to my own technical strengths or limitations. I know that I’m not alone.

In the last Appendix section, I’ve included the ‘120 Right Hand Studies’ by Mauro Guiliani which you can add or integrate into your practice routine.

Each lesson that precedes the etudes follow a general guideline:

  • A short composer bio and history.
  • My thoughts on the piece.
  • Any special chords, scales, arpeggios, or techniques needed to play the etude.
  • Key Signatures, time, tempo, and other notes.
  • Practice tips.
  • Explanation of new musical terms or notation markings as they arise.

Is Classical Guitar the Hardest Style of Guitar?

Classical guitar may actually be the most challenging style of guitar playing. A great teacher I worked with, Stephen Robinson once told me that Classical Music is not subjective. You can either play it or you can’t.

Reasons why classical guitar is often considered difficult:

  • Classical Guitar Fingerstyle technique: Traditional Classical technique uses fingerpicking rather than a pick or plectrum. Classical players use the fingers of the right hand to pluck individual strings, which requires independence, coordination, and precision. Consequently, growing and keeping your nails in shape can often be a challenge.
  • Complexity of the Music: The Classical guitar repertoire often includes intricate melodies, harmonies, counterpoint, and polyphony. Many pieces require the guitarist to play multiple voices simultaneously (e.g., melody and bass lines together). As a result, this can be quite challenging for the guitarist.
  • Standard Music Notation: Classical guitarists typically read standard musical notation, not just guitar tablature, or “TAB. While some classical guitar book PDFs or paperbacks have both types of notation, typically traditional standard notation is used. This requires a good understanding of music theory, key signatures, understanding of rhythm, and knowing your notes on the guitar neck.
  • Classical Guitar Hand Positioning: The fretting hand needs to maintain correct pressure and positioning to play classical guitar pieces. As a result, this can involve difficult stretches, uncomfortable, and complex chord shapes.
  • Dynamics and Tone Production: Classical guitarists must produce a wide range of dynamics and tonal colors to play most repertoire. This requires precise control over finger pressure, picking angle, and of course nail shape.

Ultimately, the hardest style of guitar depends on what you find most challenging or rewarding. Classical guitar is difficult due to its emphasis on precision and musical complexity, but other genres offer their own unique challenges. Flamenco, Jazz, and many styles of Progressive Rock and Metal music have also proven to be difficult and demanding forms of guitar playing.

“You can either play Classical Guitar music or you can’t, it’s not subjective.”

Dr. Stephen Robinson – Stetson University

Classical Guitar Book PDF Editions

Some of my favorite Classical Guitar Books that are available in PDF and Paperback Formats:

Have a favorite Classical Guitar Book? Shoot me an email and tell me what it is.

Ultimately, the hardest style of guitar depends on what you find most challenging or rewarding. Classical guitar is difficult due to its emphasis on precision and musical complexity, but other genres offer their own unique challenges. Flamenco, Jazz, and many styles of Progressive Rock and Metal music have also proven to be difficult and demanding forms of guitar playing.

Have a favorite Classical Guitar Book? Shoot me an email and tell me what it is.