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How To Keep Motivated and Have Fun When Learning Any Instrument

In Music by Joe Weintraub

Learning the guitar or any musical instrument is one of those things that everyone wants to do at some point. Maybe you’ve put it off every year, waiting for the perfect time. The problem is, there’s never a perfect time. You will always have something else going on, or have distractions stopping you from getting started. Maybe you’ve already bought your instrument, but you haven’t yet picked it up and started playing. The thing is, …

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Top Tips to Help New Producers Create Better Music

In Music by Joe Weintraub

Everyone wants to learn how to produce music these days. Considering how simple it is to download a digital audio workstation (DAW) and start making a track, there’s no wonder that more and more people are starting to get into the production side of things as opposed to just playing an instrument. Even if you do play a traditional instrument, producing can be a great way to help you become a better musician because you …

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4 Ways To Advance Your Music Career

In Music by Joe Weintraub

The music business and industry is tough to break into and it’s hard to get noticed. There’s a lot of competition out there and sometimes it’s about who you know instead of how talented you are. However, it’s no reason to give up on yourself or your dreams of becoming a well-known artist and musician. You must continue to improve and get better over time. Learn four ways to advance your music career so you …

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The 5 Essentials Any Newbie Musician Needs

In Music by Joe Weintraub

Whether you are learning to play an instrument or thinking of doing so, there are a few essentials you will need to get started, perform at your maximum potential, and be consistent. From the instrument to self-motivation and confidence tips, here’s more.  Carry cases If you have an instrument or a microphone setup, you will need a carry case. This will allow you to easily transport your goods from your home to where you are …

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Music, Its Good For You!

In Interviews and Insights, Music by Craig Smith

The power of music is, quite frankly, mind-blowing. It is amazing how we can play a song, and within 30 seconds, our mood can change. Whether it is a slow love song or an upbeat summer jam, it can transport us to a different place entirely, completely impacting our emotions. This is something that you can use to your advantage, giving you the all-important pick-me-up whenever you need it. Music can lift your spirits when …

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Performing Artists and Mental Health During COVID

In Music by Craig Smith

Performing artists are probably on the top list of professionals greatly affected by Covid 19. For over a year, life has never been the same as many entertainment spots shut their doors, affecting the artists’ livelihood. Many performing artists started 2020 with a fully booked schedule to wake up one day to a lockdown that led to a total cancellation of most events booked for the year.  Photo Credit Wendy Wei from Pexels The virus …

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Four Essential Tips For Learning An Instrument

In Guitar Blog, Interviews and Insights, Music by Craig Smith

Learning an instrument can be a very fulfilling skill to have, and depending on the instrument, it might open you up to a number of opportunities in life. When learning an instrument there are some essential tips that are worth learning in order to be successful. Here are four essential tips for learning an instrument. Invest In A Decent Instrument The first thing you want to do is to make sure the instrument you’re investing …

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Are Tabs A Good Way To Learn The Guitar?

In Music by Craig Smith

So, you’ve just picked up your first guitar, and you’re eager to learn. A quick Google search will point you in the direction of thousands of online resources. Throughout your research, you soon see the same thing coming up over and over again: guitar tabs. Effectively, this is a style of written music that faciliates learning how to play the guitar and much popular guitar music. The ‘tabs’ represent the strings and frets on your …

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Everything But The Guitar

In Music by Joe Weintraub

5 Essential Items for Every Serious Performer Whether you play Jazz, Post-rock, Indie, or Classical, there are plenty of guides on how to choose the right guitar. However, you may not be so sure of the other essential items of equipment you will need to make sure your performance runs smoothly. Luckily, you can get a rundown on this topic below.  Tuner  Regular or special tuning of your guitar can make all the difference to …

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August 6th Newsletter

In Guitar Blog, Music by Craig Smith

How’s it going in the practice room this week? Website Updates First off this week, I’ve spent some time improving the navigation of the website. As the lessons and articles have grown over the past 2 years (thanks to readers like you), things were getting a little cluttered and harder to find. From the top menu on any page of, you can now navigate to the guitar lessons and topics of your choice. Under …