For many people, playing a musical instrument isn’t just a hobb. For some, it’s their passion, which makes leaving it behind for college or vacation all the more difficult. So how can you take your music with you wherever you go? Here are a few things you could try.
Invest in a good quality travel case
If you can’t bring leave your instrument behind, then bring it with you. Before taking your instrument with you anywhere, it’s important that you invest some money in a good quality travel case. This will protect your instrument from bumps and scrapes as well as prying eyes.
If you are traveling long distances with an instrument such as a keyboard, then it is vital that you buy a case. This can provide the protection your instrument needs when being handled as luggage.
Have international lessons
If travel is what’s keeping you from your music, then use it as an opportunity to learn. Music teachers from around the world by book international music lessons.Learning music from someone in another country is a great way to see how different cultures approach the same instrument. Consequently, you may just pick up some new skills. Maybe even a performance flare that you can then apply to your music back home.

Hone your skills on an app
Technology has revolutionized on the go practice. This enables people to learn new skills, such as sight-reading, tonal exercises, and scales from literally anywhere. Even without an instrument in sight.With hundreds of applications on Android and Apple to choose from, there’s bound to be one for your instrument. ..or for the specific skill you are trying to learn. So whether you are on the bus, commuting to work, on vacation, or away, you can still practice on the go.
Look at more portable alternatives
If you can’t take your instrument with you, take a look at more portable alternatives. There are digital drum kits that enable you to practice the motion of drumming without needing to transport a whole kit.You can even buy roll-up travel keyboards that will enable you to go through the motion of playing and which fold up to the size of a book. If your guitar is too big for the plane, then why not take a ukulele and enjoy the sound that this much smaller instrument makes. These alternatives may not be like-for-like substitutes for your much-loved instrument, but they allow you to indulge your desire to play.
So there you have it, four simple ways that you can take your music with you wherever you go – have you traveled with your instrument before?
Craig Smith is a professional Guitarist, Teacher, and Writer living in Sanford, Florida. Craig has taught guitar lessons, performed 200+ gigs per year for nearly 30 years, and published 4 guitar instructional books. When he’s not gigging or writing, you may find him by the pool with his wife Celeste, 4 Chihuahuas, and a drink. 🎸