Getting your kids into music can start as early as in the womb. Many parents-to-be report excited kicks coming from their tummy when singing to their unborn babies or playing good music. Music can bring great joy and speak to the soul. As a result, it has many benefits that can seriously improve quality of life.
Music increases brain power and memory and gives kids a form of artistic expression. It also improves creativity, can teach patience and discipline. In addition, it can be and a wonderful confidence builder. You might want your kids to appreciate classical music or at least The Beatles, but don’t berate them for listening to nursery rhymes or songs aimed at kids. This kind of music can be a great stepping stone that eventually leads them to appreciate the music that changed the world.
Below, you’ll find 10 ways to get your kids to appreciate good music. Take a look!
Listen To Music Regularly
It only makes sense that you should listen to music regularly. Don’t just listen, though; discuss the song with your kids. Talk about the instruments that were used, what the song means, and anything else you think might peak their interest. If they are old enough, you could even ask them questions to get them thinking about the types of instruments that were used, for example.
Sing With Your Kids
Singing with your kids can be a great bonding experience. It doesn’t matter whether you’re singing something from their favorite tots TV show or whether you’re singing one of your favorites. Getting your kids involved in singing these songs can help them to understand things like pitch and tone, and simply enjoy a good sing song. This is a great activity for the car or on days when you feel like dancing and singing around the house!

Show Your Own Passion For Music
When you display your own passion for something, your kids are bound to take notice. Show your own passion for music by singing, playing an instrument, or making music on your computer. Show them, rather than tell them. When you’re passionate about something your kids will always be more interested in it. This doesn’t necessarily mean they will follow in your footsteps, but they will almost definitely share an appreciation for your passion.
Play Musical Games
There are all kinds of games that include music. Pass the parcel, musical chairs, Limbo, and even computer games can all be used. Your kids will learn to pay attention to the beat, move their bodies to the rhythm, learn about timing, and much more.
Encourage Your Kids To Play A Musical Instrument
All kids should have a hobby or two that they feel passionate about. Having a hobby while they are young can give them a passion for life. At the very least, it’ll show them that there is more to life than school and screens! You could get them guitar lessons or ask them what kind of musical instrument they would be interested in playing. As kids brains are like sponges, the younger they start, the better. This will teach them patience and discipline, and they will learn how to persevere even when something gets hard.
Attend Live Music Performances
Live music performances are a great way to instill a love of music into your kids. Take them to a classical concert if you think they will sit still, or take them to a musician that they really like. Music festivals are also great, but you’ll want to be sure that it’s family/child friendly before you attend. The atmosphere alone can make your kids more excited about music! Don’t neglect to get the appropriate hearing protection for them, though.
Get Singing Lessons For Your Kids
Singing lessons can help your kids to learn how to control the musical instrument that we were all born with – our voices! They will find their natural singing voice from a young age and figure out how to make the most of it while staying in key and time. Some people are naturally great singers, but even they can use a little tweaking to make them sound the best they possibly can. If your kids love singing, this could be the right musical instrument for them!

Encourage Your Kids To Learn More About the Songs/Bands They Like
If your kids have a favorite band or song, encourage them to learn more. Using sites like ‘genius’ is a great way to learn more about what the song is about, and this can help them to think about the lyrics in more detail. Who knows? They might even want to write their own songs at some stage! The history of certain songs and bands can be really interesting (mentioning The Beatles again here, because, well you know…), and encouraging them to do their own research can help them in numerous ways too.
Don’t Push Music Too Hard
You want your kids to develop their own love of great music, but you shouldn’t push too hard. When you push your kids too hard in anything, they naturally tend to push back and want to do it less. This shouldn’t be stressful for them, or like a chore. It should be something that they genuinely enjoy doing and learning about. Go easy on them!
Encourage Them To Practice Music As Often As Possible
Whether your child is singing or playing an instrument, encourage them to practice as often as possible. Make sure they know that practice will help them get better, and that not everything should come easily to them. Some kids will want to give up the second something gets hard, but with positive encouragement and realistic expectations, they’ll be glad they stuck it out!
Are you ready to get your kids to appreciate good music? Use the above tips and tricks and they’ll be listening to the classics and writing their own in no time. Thanks for reading!
Joe is a friend and contributing Author to He lives in Longwood, Florida with his wife Bethanne and sons Patrick and Joe Jr.