9 Reasons Music Is Good For You

In Music by Joe Weintraub

You might absolutely love listening to or playing music, but did you know that it also has many health benefits. One thing you need to remember though is to look after your ears. Long exposure to loud music can cause you to suffer from hearing loss. However, there are far more pros than cons when it comes to music. If you would like to find out more about the benefits music can bring to you then take a look at the article below.

Music is Good for You Because it Improves Cognition

Listening to music has been known to improve your cognitive development. It stimulates your brain, improving your memory, and keeping your mind sharp. You wouldn’t believe what your mind is doing while you are doing something as simple as listening to music. There is a lot going on!

As you listen to songs on repeat your brain is not only hearing the tune but it is busy memorizing the words as well. So next time you hear it, your brain will kick in and you will be singing that song like you’re on American Idol.

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Music is Good for you because it helps you Socialize

If you have a big friendship group then music could have brought you all together. If you all enjoy the same style of music then this gives you something to bond over and chat about when you come together. Even better, when your favorite artists are touring you can all go and watch them perform.

Concerts create an amazing feel good atmosphere as everyone is there for the same reason. You also get to watch intro acts, who you may have never heard of or listened to before. If you like them then this gives you another artist or band to listen to. 

Music Aids Better Sleep

Do you regularly struggle with insomnia? If so then music can also help with this. It works by activating your nervous system so your body and mind can relax and drift off into sleep. When you listen to music this automatically relaxes you by releasing dopamine throughout the body.

In order to sleep you need to slow your heart rate, if you are too worked up then you won’t be able to get a good night’s sleep. Music that keeps a certain beat and rhythm can slow your heart rate down enough for you to fall asleep.

Great Form Of Therapy

Have you ever heard of music therapy? This is a wonderful alternative to simply sitting there chatting about your feelings. You will listen to a song or piece of music and then discuss it with your therapist. You can talk about absolutely anything but it usually starts by talking about how that piece of music made you feel.

If you do need therapy and you don’t want to go down the standard route then look online for a music therapist. Make sure you check reviews before you start your sessions, you need someone that has experience and qualifications. 

Music is Good for you because it Gives You A Hobby

If you have plenty of free time on your hands then you could be on the lookout for a hobby. Music is one of the best hobbies you can get, it will pass the time while you enjoy listening to or making music. If you have always wanted to learn to sing or play an instrument then you might be on the lookout for lessons.

Don’t worry, you don’t have to go to someone’s house to have your lessons, you can do them in the comfort of your own home if you have all the equipment needed. Take a look online and find a tutor that you click with, you can have lessons for as long as you want or need.