If you’re growing your blog as a business, you will end up having to handle lots of different documents, from contracts with clients to invoices. Keeping all those documents in order can soon become a difficult thing to manage. Keep on top of them with these tips.
If you create a lot of documents, you can use a tool like https://www.templafy.com/business-document-templates/ to make sure they’re the same every time. But how can you manage them once you’ve created them?
Organize Email Attachments And Documents
Email is often accidentally used as a document storage tool. We all email documents to ourselves to save them, send documents to others and receive files on a regular basis. Finding the documents you need again is not always easy, however.
Download your email attachments in bulk to make it easier to organize and transfer them to a better document system. Sort the downloads into folders, whether in the cloud or on your local drive, so you can always track down what you need, whether it’s an invoice or a contract to write a sponsored post.
Use Of Cloud Storage
We all know that cloud storage is a very useful way to store things online and make documents very accessible. If you don’t use the cloud in an organized way though, these services can create more stress than help.
Get into the habit of uploading documents as part of your every day working habits. For example, if you’re working remotely, automate your apps to upload your documents straight to the cloud so you can access them from your work computer when you go back to the office. Create a folder in your cloud where you can save things that you don’t need to keep permanently to stop your folders from becoming cluttered.
Create A Nested Folder System
Setting up your folders in a nested way is a useful way to help you access the document you need, when you need it, and can help you to remember where you’ve saved things. With each level you click through, you can guide yourself in the right direction. Just be careful to build folders with a sensible hierarchy.
Start with one main folder, then create sub-folders to filter your files. You could create files organized by year, or separate complete and in-progress documents, or however else you find useful to split them.
Archive And Delete Files Regularly
Lots of us never delete our old documents, which takes up storage room and makes it more difficult to find what you need. Set aside some time as part of your regular blog admin tasks to sort out old documents and either archive or delete them.
For documents that you need to save, like bank statements, archive them so you can access them when needed, but they aren’t confusing you by cluttering up your main folders. If you don’t need old documents, clear space by just deleting them when you’re done with them.
Joe is a friend and contributing Author to Lifein12keys.com. He lives in Longwood, Florida with his wife Bethanne and sons Patrick and Joe Jr.