The moment you decided to become a full-time blogger, you knew it was the right career for you right? You absolutely love spilling your feelings out to your online followers and you use the platform to gain advice from other people who have similar interests as you.
You now realize there are many unexpected costs of blogging that you wish you knew about before. It’s the price of running a successful online business. Whether it’s paying for extra fast internet or ordering more products to review on your latest post, there will always be some hidden costs to discover along the line.
If you were to give some advice to prospective bloggers out there you would probably have several important pointers to tell them. The blogging world is much tougher than people think, so you need to give this career a lot of time, patience and effort on your part.
Not everybody will succeed in their blogging career, so if you are thinking of taking the leap and doing this for yourself, then you might want to consider all of the following blogger blunders than many new Bloggers face.
Your Blogging Base is Everything
The place in which you base your blogging business is absolutely fundamental and vital to your success as a Blogger. Whether you have an office in your home or you rent out space elsewhere it must suit your needs and be set up for efficiency and purpose.
The majority of new bloggers start their business at home. While that is perfectly fine, one big mistake I made was not checking out my internet speed properly. You might be paying for ultrafast fiber broadband or even a budget package. Have you ever thought of checking that is actually what you’re getting?
Speed tests are easy to do and many providers even supply their own Speed Test page. Just Google ‘Internet Speed Test’. You may be surprised to find that you are not getting the speeds you’re paying for. Often times a short call to your ISP can resolve the problem simply by upgrading your old modem or router.
You need to use the internet every single day when you are a blogger so make sure you are getting your money’s worth if you are paying for an expensive Wifi package. You also need to decorate your home office in a way that is attractive, comfortable and promotes creativity.
After all, you will be using your plain walls as a background for many of your posts, so keep this in mind when you are decorating your space.
Getting Paid Blogging Can Be Difficult
You won’t land paid brand collaborations right off the bat; it is going to take a lot of patience and persistence to get to where you want to be. You might also struggle with a few lazy Affiliate or PR companies who don’t give you the correct fee on time. Often times payouts can take as long as 2 months or more.
We recommend Share-A-Sale as an easy to use, reliable paying affiliate network.Getting paid as a freelancer is notoriously difficult so you will need to be extremely organized when it comes to keeping track of your finances. Think about how you will monitor your invoices and payments each week and think about hiring an accountant once your business starts to pick up.
Growing Your Blog Following Takes Time
You aren’t going to become a household name overnight, so make sure you are realistic with your goals as a blogger. Gaining a large following takes years and years to achieve so don’t be too hard on yourself. Many bloggers give up after the first six months because they don’t see instant results.
The truth is, you need to be completely passionate about what you’re embarking on otherwise you can easily get frustrated and will soon give up on the process. Don’t give up! Come up with a workable marketing strategy and learn to measure your progress in other ways rather than social media followers and pageviews.
Whenever you get discouraged or think of giving up, check out what some really successful Bloggers are doing. You don’t need to copy them, but you can gain valuable insight and advice from their successes. One of our favorite Blogging success stories is Michelle Schroeder-Gardner from Making Sense of Affiliate Marketing. In September 2018 Michelle made over $100,000 Blogging! It’s quite inspiring, to say the least.
Learn how Michelle went from $0 to $50k per month.Choosing Your Blog Niche
When you start out as a blogger it can be very easy to dive right in and start discussing topics about everything and anything. You need to hone in a bit on your blog topic and have a true niche. If you can appeal to a very specific target audience you will have a good chance of capitalizing on this and being dominant in your industry.
If one niche seems to narrow, that’s ok. Many Bloggers have great success writing about a variety of topics (for example this blog!). Often times if you find yourself going outside of your primary blogging niche, enlist a guest writer to contribute articles on a specific topic. That way you can concentrate on writing about the things you love and your guest writer(s) are keeping your readers engaged with other content.
Blogging Mistakes Cost
If you trip up as a new blogger you will quickly realize that mistakes don’t go away at the drop of a hat. Whether you talk about a controversial topic or you inadvertently offend another blogger, you will soon see that you are going to get criticized for everything you do. Maintain a thick skin and be true to yourself and your brand and you will always come out on top.
If you are thinking about starting your blogging journey and going full time in this industry, then think carefully about all that becoming a blogger entails. You have to be really passionate about the topics you are discussing online otherwise you will soon get bored and will have to think of another venture to start. Becoming a savvy and smart blogger takes time. In the end, it’s all worth the effort and you can create a community and passive income that can last for years to come.
Joe is a friend and contributing Author to He lives in Longwood, Florida with his wife Bethanne and sons Patrick and Joe Jr.